Greetings, Leaders.


Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!


Think about when you knew the next step after asking, seeking, and knocking for guidance. You took the step of faith, which led to an adventure of a lifetime.


Instruct the wise, and they will be even more discerning. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more.  


Why do we take the step of faith? Because a great door for effective work has been opened to me, and I am launching out into the deep, expecting, anticipating, and preparing for even greater works.


Every leader encounters the calling to what seems impossible and possibly unknown. You fight the enemies of doubt, fear, and inadequacy in the valley of decision. You gain victory by recalling the faithfulness of providence that brings you to this point on your journey.


Recalling faithfulness bolsters our confidence. And we know this is the way. Walk in it.


Centuries ago, a fisherman who thought he knew everything about fishing went to sea and toiled all night but caught nothing. Then he labored the following day at the shore, cleaning his empty nets. Nearby, a teacher is speaking to a large crowd by the sea and stepping into the fisherman's boat as a platform so all can hear his teachings.


Then it happened. The teacher called the fisherman to go out again and catch some fish. The fisherman's reasoning and logic said, "It makes no sense to go fishing now. The time of day is the worst; I am tired; all my experiences say it is not a good idea."


Nevertheless, the fisherman indulged the teacher's request, and they went together and threw out the nets.


Behold! The most incredible catch of fish of all time fishing the fisherman experiences! What a life-changing moment!


Heeding the instructions to launch into the deep, he began his journey to become a great leader!


Right now, wherever you are in the world, on your life and career journey, take courage when you receive the call to do what you've never done and go where you have never been. It's your moment to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!


Here are three words to consider.


1.         Conviction: You know in your heart that now is the time to act.

2.         Courage: Every open door has adversaries of fear, doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. 
            "Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid."

3.         Confidence: You have a full assurance of faith that all you need is available.  


Think! You've come this far by faith.


Like the fisherman, have confidence, courage, and conviction in these words of encouragement. "I will instruct you and teach you how you should go. I will counsel you with my eye."


When the call comes, launch out! More excellent works are your destination!


"Keep your eyes fixed straight ahead. Look into the future. Always look up." 

Thomas J. Watson, Sr.


Envision the vision. Keep the faith motivated by love because love never fails!

