Greetings, Leaders.


You write a story daily about your decisions, way of living, engaging people, clients, and work opportunities.


Our daily walk adds content for the chapters of our journey in life and career. We are also becoming influencers in the stories of other people's life narratives. Someone once said, "Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!"  Seek to be a leader who encourages others.


Many great leaders continually ask themselves on a moment-by-moment basis. "What motivates me as I prepare to engage this person, opportunity, or challenge?" In every encounter, the recurring theme is how we treat people. In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you.



Today, I recorded this entry in my journal, Volume 43, a promise and a vision"... your life will be brighter than noonday. Even darkness will be as bright as morning. Having hope will give you courage. You will be protected and will rest in safety."


I recall making this entry in an earlier Volume on October 4, 1998. That season of time was one of the most challenging times in my life and career. I battled anxious thoughts, high frustration, weariness, and burdens. 


Reflecting on the journey, I see the first step of faith enabled me to move forward and experience the transformation in my life and career. Faith combined with action is of high value. Our experience empowers us to comfort and encourage others, my friend, to walk by faith! The process is where we learn the insights for leadership for sharing with others as we go.


I once heard a great leader say, "Keep a journal!" In a conversation with a new leader, we shared the phrase "Journaling the Journey!" "Write it down so that you will never forget the process."  


Journals are a physical representation of the life story you are writing. Also, they can be a way to discover patterns from past experiences and outcomes that will help you more clearly navigate your journey ahead and reach your goals in life. 


You remember circumstances, feelings, emotions, and people who impacted you with their help and encouragement. This evening I listened to a leader sharing a vision and inspiration for something new. I thought, "Behold, I am doing something new. Now it springs forth. Do you not see it?"


It's a new chapter in the story with an exciting purpose. I sensed a silence in the room as over a dozen leaders envisioned the vision. We are in one accord and unified around one goal.


Here are some questions we can ask ourselves as leaders.


How am I helping others and becoming part of their story?

How can I assist someone who is struggling on their journey?

How can I encourage and invest myself in the life of someone today?


In my opinion, investing in people's lives is the "secret sauce" in leadership!


Please realize that the process prepares us to be a source of inspiration, help, and impact in someone's life on our journey.



Victory! Victory! Victory!