Greetings, Leaders.


Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice.


Wherever you are now on your journey, rejoice that you are here at this point on the way. Be encouraged by taking time to wait; you will gain new strength. You will walk and not faint. Run and now be tired.


How is this possible?


When we wait, regardless of the time, it is a mindset and perspective we gain in addition to replenishing our physical strength. In addition, we become sensitive to what a great leader shared with me; "Remember "HALT." 


Don't allow yourself to become too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.


These conditions negatively affect our perspective and faith.


They are enemies of every leader.


Here are three where words to encourage us.


1.   Replenish: Take time to rest, eat and sleep. It seems simple, but many of us do not practice these disciplines. I heard someone say, "He satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth renews like that of an eagle."

2.   Renew: Busyness is a robber. We become focused on all the activities that need to be done and lose the joy that is ours if we only make time to wait. Waiting in minutes or days depends on the amount of replenishment needed for the journey ahead. "Get up and eat some more—you've got a long journey ahead of you." Don't go alone; seek like-minded, encouraging, and supporting people to travel with you. "My presence will go with you." is a word of encouragement from a friend.

3.   Resume: During our time of waiting, replenishing, and renewing, review how far you have traveled and be grateful for your accomplishments. Look ahead, and envision the vision you charted in the beginning. Look again and ahead with faith that you will enter a wonderful place. The best is yet to be.  

Your perspective matters. To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. 


Believe. Expect. Anticipate and Prepare. Are we doing these things?


Yes, we are!


Then get ready! "According to your faith be it done unto you."

