Greetings, Leaders.


Every day we can impact people encouragingly. They could be a family member, colleague, client, or someone you casually meet on your life and career journey.  


No encounter is insignificant in the mindset of great leaders. Great leaders possess a unique gift of engaging people everywhere they go. The good news is that this quality is available to everyone.


This week during a session with a group of leaders, we discussed how to develop the skill of creating and adding value. Value is providing something that enriches, lifts, and helps another in some way that is significant to them.


The habit is developed first in the heart and with the right motivation.

A clean heart with a clear conscience creates a confident mind and thinking. 


Great leaders intentionally practice four steps in creating value in every area of their lives.


1. They are caring.

2. Have the conviction that people matter.

3. They are confident they can impact people's lives wherever their journey leads. 


Think about the person you felt had your interest at heart or acknowledged and affirmed. Who comes to mind?


That person had an impact on your life. Great leaders understand that people caring is the key to the success of any organization.


Someone once said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Every act of kindness is the planting of seeds for a future harvest. Great leaders practice kindness and caring every day.


Why? Like the farmer, great leaders understand that whatever a person sows, that is what they will reap.


4. Leaders show kindness because they care and not for what they get. They are people of integrity. Many of us have encountered someone like this on our journey. We remember how their acts touched us.  


Leaders who go about doing good are positioning themselves for a beautiful return on their investment in ways unimaginable. They are confident that doing the right things with the right motives is one of the best ways to enjoy an abundant life. 


They teach others to learn and practice the principle. It is a lifelong learning process for sharing your life and career journey.


Our action today prepares us for tomorrow and the days and years ahead. Then at the "proper time," we experience the overflow of our good works.


It has been said, "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured out into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."


How would you categorize your life in the area of giving?


It is your opportunity to create and add value everywhere you find people!




