Greetings, Leaders.


"Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice." is a quote from a great leader in encouraging those he loved. It's springtime! Encourage someone today on your journey!


I am thankful to be part of a great team and, together, accomplishing something great!


This week, an IBM New Seller Leader shared her gratitude for her journey on her IBM path. "It is amazing the growth I am seeing in myself. I remember my first days in training and how hard I worked but did not get the results I wanted. But I keep a quote on a post-it note that I see every day - "In all labor, there is profit."


This Leader embodies three attributes repeatedly seen in "great leaders."




"Since college, I have always put my whole heart effort into everything I do."  

New Seller Leader



Perseverance is the ability to keep going when things are complex, challenging, and demanding. I observed the results of the IBM Leader's perseverance and hard work. She was always prepared, knew the assignments, and her preparation drew her colleagues to her for clarification when they were unclear.


"I like helping people and explaining things that I learn. It helps me when I share with others." New Seller Leader


Motivation: "I like helping people." Great leaders care for people. They are authentic in their desire to serve others. Think about a great leader. Do you see in their life story the desire to serve and help others?  


Seek to emulate this attribute by asking yourself this question before undertaking any action or assignment.


"What is my motive for doing this?" The answer can help us move forward in confidence or allow us to adjust our thinking and mindset.


"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Faith, hope, and love are some of the greatest attributes in a leader. The greatest of these is love. It is an attribute that involves unselfish service to others; to show it gives evidence that you care.


Be encouraged that you are part of something new! "Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not see it?"


Keep singing your victory song as you go about the routines and seemingly insignificant acts in your day. "Do not despise the day of small beginnings." Remain faithful, persevere, practice, and have patience.


Patience. "Run with patience the race set before you." I learned a new term several months ago in a conversation with a New Seller Leader. He calls his approach to his journey a "sprint marathon."


There are times when we sprint, and other times we pace ourselves for the long run.


Enthusiasm. An intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

The New Seller Leaders display energy and enthusiasm for life and career." Enthusiasm is contagious! Every great team needs spirit!  


Everyone benefits; you, your family, friends, clients, and the nation.


Sing your victory song as you go!  

