Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Where are you now? Are you in a valley, on a mountain top, or at a crossroad deciding which way to go?


Please know that there is value in believing that you are here for such a time as this. Your future is open wide, and there are plans for you.


Our most significant opportunities are today. Please make the most of it and be thankful for the moments. If we believe and do what we know to do, walking in the light we have for the next step; our tomorrow will take care of itself.


I observed and listened to several Summit Leaders yesterday as they shared their journey with a group of new Summits ready to graduate from their Summit Training. 


"I knew what I wanted and worked through several rotations, talked with people, gained the skills, learned the tools, and now I support clients with our IoT (Internet of Things) solution." Summit Leader cohort 2018.

It is fantastic to see her poise, professionalism, confidence, and credibility in her journey of three years at IBM.


Next, I listened to a Summit Leader describe her role in IBM Global Financing with a joyful heart. "Dream and not be limited by constraints."

"We want our clients to dream without constraints."

She shares, "Be kind and rewind." Summit Leader, cohort 2016


Each week, she takes time at the end of the week to reflect on her days, the steps she took, the people she met, and her current position on her journey.


I received a note from another Summit Leader sharing the good news about her new assignment as Technical Client Leader for one of our Fortune top fifteen clients. Again, Summit hearts are filled with joy to see leaders like these grow and flourish.

"Such a great and important topic!! 'Joy is contagious!'" Summit Leader, Cohort 2016


What distinguishing attributes do they share? They believe, act on their belief, and are grateful.


Wherever you are right now, the message for you is "Keep believing!"

Do the work assigned for you today. Someone once said, "We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned to us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work."


Our most significant victories over fear, doubt, unbelief are the bridges to more fantastic works than these you will do.


Believe and take action. Expectation, anticipation, and preparation position us for the best.


Be encouraged, Summit Leaders! You are among a group of believers!


Someone once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has."


Regardless of your circumstances today, believe. You will hear the encouraging voice, "This is the road! Now follow it."


Every day we write our life stories through our responses to the opportunities given us this day.  


"Live a good story!" Josh Neuman


"Be grateful is the theme!" Summit Leader, cohort 2022


