Greetings, Summit Leaders.

Rejoice! Again I say rejoice.

Each of us has an opportunity to become master builders.

We are in the process of building lives, careers, and business.

One of the essential things needed is a strategy for building resilience for our life and career journey.

We will face challenges and storms in life and careers requiring us to have a solid approach to weather the conditions and emerge victoriously.

What's your strategy for resiliency? Great leaders focus on building the system in preparation for the inevitable challenges they know will come on their journey.

This week, I heard from a Summit leader who is celebrating ten years with IBM!

"Yes, I know. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. I remember coming into IBM and sticking close to the adults in the room/mentors to learn enough to survive. Now when things get crazy, I look around and think, ‘I am the adult in the room.’ which is terrifying, Ha Ha.”

Things are going well, though. IBM has been pretty good to me, and I'm looking forward to the next ten years!" Summit Leader.

It's beautiful to see leaders growing in their life and career. What will we all need to do to ensure the next ten years are more fruitful and prosperous?

We will need to build a system and mindset through patience, perseverance, and practice.

Think about times when the challenges kept coming and seemed like they would not end, but they finished, and you were still standing strong and moving forward.

That's perseverance. The heart to keep going even when the way is hard.

Now, we are experiencing the challenge of COVID-19. Many are persevering and gaining strength as they go from others who have like mindsets.

Patience is another foundation stone needed in building resiliency for life and business.
Our Summit Leader reached the ten-year milestone by exercising patience.

Our vision for life sometimes takes twists and turns in ways we don't expect. Take courage and keep going forward.

Someone once said, "Though your vision tarries, wait for it will surely come."

Successful builders understand and employ principles in building structures, life, and business.

All of us are builders.

The most important part is the foundation. They take pains in ensuring that they build on a solid foundation.

Like our Summit Leader, a wise builder seeks wisdom from successful builders.

Someone shared an account of two types of builders.

"Anyone who listens and follows the principles given is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise, and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because the builder builds on bedrock.

Another builder does not apply the principles he hears and unknowingly builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods came, and the winds beat against that house, it collapses with a mighty crash."

Great leaders plan for resiliency on their life and career journey.

Next week we will look at some of the principles they followed in building successful lives, careers, and business.

Believe the best is yet to be!
