Greetings, Summit Leaders.

I love leaders who lead from the heart, challenge me to be my best, and live an example for me to follow.

Think of a leader who inspired you with just the right words, empathy and challenged you to accomplish the impossible! These are the women and men who impact the company, clients, families, and the world!

Each morning, I have a quiet time to reflect and prepare for the day ahead of me. As I refreshed my coffee, now lukewarm; by the way, I wouldn't say I like lukewarm coffee. Someone once said, "I wish you were either hot or cold."

To me, this speaks of passion for life and career. Passion shows!
Well, as I refreshed my cup of coffee, now really hot, this thought came to me. "Remember the truths and practice them even though they seem familiar and old."

I have kept a journal of my life and career journey since 1993. I write things in it so that I will not forget them. They are "Reminders that keep us strong."

I encourage you to start a journal. Write your thoughts with a pen on paper.

"Thoughts disentangle themselves over the lips... and through the fingertips. How true! The old gray matter increases its creases when you put it down on paper. A journal isn't a diary. It's more. A journal doesn't record what you do - it records what you think. It spells out your ideas, your feelings, your struggles, your discoveries, your dreams. In short, it helps articulate who you are."

Charles Swindoll

I remember talking with Chase, a Summit Leader who shared how his coach drilled certain truths about the game of football that he still remembers.

I remember my basketball coach who did the same thing for me.

Great leaders have a gift to say the right something at the right time that penetrates our souls during the heat of the battle. "Peace be to you."

I love this time of year; "March Madness" is closing in on the championship night. Notice when the coaches call time out.

They remind the players of "truths"; approaches to the game they have practiced repeatedly during practice sessions leading up to this game.

Our work today is the battle we face in winning against competition and taking share.

Our work is serving clients and gaining new customers through personal excellence and unity.

I recall the huddles during a time-out. Kelsey, a Summit Leader, describes it as "our group together even though there are sixty thousand watching."

Even the best players need reminding.

The best sellers, leaders; all of us benefit from the reminders of things we know but may not be applying to the best of our abilities.

One great leader said, "Therefore, I will always remind you of these things, even though you already know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have."

"A daily practice plan should be prepared and followed. If you fail to follow the program on one thing, it may affect others. If you planned poorly, make the corrections for the following day.”

John Wooden

So, here is our challenge to stay strong this year and beyond.

1. Remember the truths you know for life and career.
2. Write them down so you will not forget.
3. Make them visible in your work environment as a reminder. "Post It" is your friend.
4. Execute them daily and consistently.

Now that we know this truth, how happy we will be if we put it into practice.

We don't rise to our goals, but fall to the level of our disciplines practiced consistently.

Summit Leaders, be strong therefore and of good courage, and do it.

For your work shall be rewarded!

Your outcome will be victorious.
