Greetings, Summit Leaders.

"Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning." Thomas Edison

On December 27, 2001, I began intentionally setting time over several days to plan for the next year. Throughout my career, I observed and even participated in the process of planning in our company. However, around the twenty-five-year milestone of my career, I began to apply the discipline to my life and career journey.

This week of planning for 2021 has insights I would like to share with you.

“Plan for Victory 2021!” is a two-step process.

This week I set aside several days with a pen and notebook dedicated to journaling.

My objective included time for reflection, renewal, and resolve.

1. Reflect: We live in one of the busiest times in history. We have to take time to get by ourselves and think through our life and career journey thus far. For example, recalling this past year's events that resulted in a personal victory for you can help turn what appeared to be random occurrences into insights as you "connect the dots" during this planning time. The insights are valuable affirmations that we are moving in the right direction despite the circumstances.

2. Renew: They that take the time to wait are refreshed and gain new strength like an eagle. They can run as needed and not get weary. They can walk as required and not grow faint. Why? There is something about rehearsing our accomplishments that invigorate our minds and bodies for the journey ahead. We gain hope and confidence for the future.

3. Resolve: Conviction; knowing that you are in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right things empowers leaders to withstand the challenges and delays in the fulfillment of their vision. Remember, delays are not denials. The valley experiences are development opportunities. When you plan, you are saying, "I will make the most out of this valley experience and gain the necessary skills needed to go onward on my life and career journey." These leaders think about those around them, such as family, colleagues, and clients.

They ask, how can I become a refreshing spring to those whom I encounter on my pathway? They seek to encourage on their quest.

Great leaders are intentional in impacting the lives of everyone they meet on their journey. When they walk through the valley of weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains clothe it with blessings.

Take time during your planning to review your written vision statement, and the leadership attributes you are employing to serve others, and those aspirational qualities you are developing.

You may sense it necessary to refine your vision. Take action.

"Write the vision, make it plain on paper so that the one who reads it may run." Writing to run is preparing for victory!

"Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general's tent." Stephen R. Covey

The best is yet to come! Believe it!
