Greetings, Summit Leaders.
Be encouraged! You are in the right place at the right time.  
Please make the most of it.
This week, I listened to an executive who made this comment regarding her successful career. "I was blessed to be in the right place at the right time."
You are here for such a time as this!
Great leaders make the most of their time and understand the importance of timing.
Businesses today, such as Toyota, Apple, and Walmart, employ "just in time" principles to impact their performance. This method reduces costs by minimizing warehouse needs. Companies also spend less money on raw materials by buying just enough resources to make the ordered products.
 I received a birthday card with a picture of Peanut comic strip characters named Charlie Brown and Linus.
Charlie says to Linus, "For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. This happens to be your time to feel OLD. Happy Birthday"
There is wisdom in Charlie's statement. 
From ancient quotes, we gain insights regarding time and timing as our gift.
"Redeem the time for the days are challenging."  
"At the proper time, you will be lifted up."
"We must work the works of him who sent me while it is the day. The night is coming when no one can work."
Abraham Lincoln is an example of a great leader who understood the importance of timing in life.
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first two in sharpening the axe." Abraham Lincoln
 "Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning." - Winston Churchill
Great leaders are intentional when it comes to redeeming the opportunity or seasons of time given them. Time is a providentially bestowed gift.  
We use it to determine our success in fulfilling our vision and goals in life and business.
Each of us is a steward of our time and leadership opportunities given us. 
Being intentional requires we make every minute count. We don't need to fill every minute with busyness. We must prioritize our time with agendas for the day, follow-through, pursue essential goals, and finish what we start.
Best-selling books give us tips and techniques for getting the most out of our time. They usually tell us how to get more done in the time we have.
"Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important." - Steven Covey.
We need wisdom and discernment to prioritize, plan, and take action today.
"Look well to this one day, for it and
it alone is life. 
In the brief course of
this day lie all the verities and
realities of your existence; the pride of
growth, the glory of action, 
the splendor of beauty. 
Yesterday is only
a dream and tomorrow is but a
Yet each day, well-lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness and each tomorrow, 
a vision of hope. 
Look well, therefore,
to this one day, for it, and it alone is life." ― Sanskrit. 
Let's make this our best day!