Greetings, Summit Mentors.

Thank you for being a mentor!

How great it is to see that you are giving yourselves away for the good of others.

Whenever you invest your time, talent, experiences, insights, and gifts for others' good, you are positioning yourself for reward in return.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the golden rule for lasting relationships.

Everyone remembers the people who mentored them on their life and career journey. It could be a sports coach, a colleague at work, a friend, or a relative.

We are incredibly thankful to you as a mentor. You touch new leaders' future and influence our company, family, and clients' outcomes when engaging in growing new talent.

You can anticipate and expect a return on your investment in ways that may not appear immediately, but the return is sure to come.

"We reap what we sow—more than we sow. Later than we sow." is called the Law of the Harvest.

Think about the people who came into your life at just the right time. They believe in you and envision the impact you will have on others as you go.

Summits are grateful for their mentors. Not only are you shaping new leaders, but you are also giving of yourself in kindness to someone new to the family.

Mentorship is occurring all across our company.

We are learning new insights from those whose experience enlightens us and prepares us for business and life success.

What are the Proteges saying?

"Maggie and I have been connecting weekly, and I have made a lot of progress towards the goals we detailed in the beginning. She is a very trusted mentor to me! I look forward to continuing my relationship with her throughout my career." - Summit Leader.

"This has been a great relationship all the way around. I have learned so much about our business, our goals, and the general challenges of being a seller. Betty has been wonderful." - Summit Leader.

"My mentor is great. He is smart. He knows IBM well. He is dedicated and there when I need to ask him something." - Summit Leader.

Good mentors are "difference makers." That's why our best is yet to be!

Here are some of the characteristics we see in Summit Mentors.

• "A good mentor is a worthy example."
• "A good mentor is available."
• "A good mentor has proven experience."
• "A good mentor possesses wisdom."
• "A good mentor provides friendship and support."


Our growth plan is coming to pass this year and beyond!

Someone once said, "Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back - given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."

Thank you for everything you do as a mentor.

You are an encouragement and inspiration to those you mentor. Your "good works" could have taken place years ago, this week, or will occur in the future.

Start expecting and anticipating the outcome of your service to others.

Your reward will appear at just the right time!

We appreciate you!
