Greetings Summit Leaders.

Everyone loves to be a winner! It gives you a sense of accomplishment and deep satisfaction when you take the time to reflect on your victory.

Take time to celebrate each victory on your life and career journey. Life and career are full of challenges we must overcome and breakthroughs in reaching our full potential as leaders. Sometimes you will be challenged to change your thinking or release unhealthy emotions; such as fear, doubt, and unbelief to experience victory.

Last week, I witnessed a beautiful example of the A B C to Victory Principle during graduation day at IBM Global Sales School. This event was the culmination of a rigorous, in-depth training program designed to prepare leaders to serve IBM clients effectively.

It requires the best of each participant and teamwork to complete the training successfully.

I recall speaking with some of the new leaders before starting their training. Because it was a unique experience and with many exercises that required them to try new approaches and learn new skills some were anxious and unsure. However, as I witnessed the display of attitude, belief, and conviction, it was evident that again the A B C to Victory prevailed.

Attitude the disposition of the mind. Belief the condition of the heart and Conviction the resolve of the will all lead to the transformation and emergence of a leader.