Larry Greene is here to raise the vibration of the human experience – and help all of us live in our prime. He believes in the potential of each of us to become the best version of ourselves.

As the founder and CEO of Genesis Performance, he wants to help you find balance in all areas of your health, whether it’s improving your sleep, raising your consciousness or enjoying new healthy foods. He’s devoted his life and work to building an unending supply of resources for you to use to your highest benefit.

Larry earned his MBA from Pepperdine University and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer with over 23 years of experience in the health and fitness industry as a gym owner, personal trainer, and nutrition & lifestyle advisor.

He’s had his own crossroads moments and has walked the walk in applying all of his knowledge and experience to find joy and passion in his own life as well.

We’re talking about mind, body + spirit in this episode and the small changes you can make to see and feel a huge difference in your every day. Larry is a man with a plan to change the world, one healthy and happy human at a time.

Listen now.


Find out more about working with Larry or his team, as well as blogs and wellness information at can also book a session with Larry on @genesisperformance on Instagram

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