Dr.Ryoko Matsuno is an environmental researcher who has worn many hats over her career as a government official, researcher, educator, environmental activist, consultant and community organizer promoting sustainable living and sustainable business initiatives.

In this talk Dr. Matsuno joins us to talk about her work researching and raising awareness of PFAS and pesticides used in Japan as well as her seed-saving activities.

Dr. Ryoko Matsuno has a PhD in Environmental Law from the University of Kent - UK, an LLM in Environmental Law & Conservation, and a BA in International - Cultural Studies, Tsuda University - Tokyo.


CROP Trust Org - the world's biggest seed bank in Scalbard - https://www.croptrust.org/work/svalbard-global-seed-vault/

PFAS movie starring Mark Gruffalo "Dark Waters" (2019) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9071322/

Japan Times (2023) article, "Japan Slowly Wakes up to dangers of PFAS forever chemicals" https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/05/28/national/japan-pfas-risks-growing-awareness/

TIME article (2019) about Rob Bilott and the movie dark waters, "Dark Waters Tells the True Story of the Lawyer Who Took DuPont to Court and Won. But Rob Bilott’s Fight Is Far From Over"


Detroit Free Press (2018) "PFAS limit may not adequately protect human health" https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/12/18/science-panel-michigans-pfas-limit-may-not-adequately-protect-health/2349585002/

Into the weeds film about the dangers of herbicide use to people, planet and economies - https://www.filmmovement.com/educational/film/into-the-weeds#:~:text=Into%20the%20Weeds%3A%20Dewayne%20%E2%80%9CLee,of%20the%20weed%20killer%2C%20Roundup.

JJ's mentions:

The organic, no-till farmer I mention is Thomas Kloepfer at Pitchfork farms who also does farm fresh deliveries all over Japan: https://gethiroshima.com/features/people/pitchfork-natural-farms-on-mukaishima-island/

I have talked with Thomas a few times for this channel : https://www.youtube.com/live/tkoIzesx5Jo?si=wY-f68Iv1r1W3c5F

Organic/Natural Farmers & Food Growers playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?


Heather of Nagano Naturally: https://www.youtube.com/live/v0-9ACjmo8U?si=KIEt_55vjc1SJ_zT https://naganonaturally.com/