When it comes to the season of family, otherwise known as “The Holidays” it is common to experience fear and anxiety. We all want it to be like the best holiday movies, but the reality isn’t a hallmark movie. There is a secret to creating a happy holiday, or season of family. The secret is understanding, embracing, and practicing that the only thing you can control is YOU.

Do not get swept up and away in all the other fluff of the season. Watch and learn 4 strategies you can implement immediately to take control of how much you enjoy and celebrate the weeks to come.  As a teaser, the 4 strategies are:

Practice the Pause

Listen in to learn the power of the breath and an exercise you can practice to help call on the pause before flight, fight or fawn happens.

Link to Resource: Lead at Your Best

Locus of Control
Arrive Grounded
Practice the Four Agreements

The Holidays are positioned in the world as a time for cheer, celebration, and magic.  However, many people feel anxiety, fear, and pain due to their past and current circumstances.  You can find the MAGIC; it is actually very close by because it is found in YOU; knowing what you can and can’t control and choose how you want to show up.  

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