Successfully integrating family into business leadership while balancing family dynamics is full of complexities. As Joe Chastang shares, many private and family business owners screw it up. Thanksgiving and Christmas come around every year, and the business provides for 100+ employees.

Mis-matched expectations, communication differences, and management styles can create challenging moments impacting business operations, team dynamics, and family gatherings. As a result of leaning on succession experts, Joe and his leadership team learned how to make the company better and grow the business, successfully integrate the second generation into key leadership positions, and balance family and business relationships.


Succession Readiness Survey:  A 7-minute investment in time will put you in an informed position of opportunities many business owners overlook impacting business value, growth, lifestyle, and ultimately achieving your vision.
Contact Us: We can help you with insights, other resources, and see if it makes sense to work together. At the very least, in 30 minutes, you may get some ideas you can apply to your business right away.

For more insight from Joe Chastang of Chastang Ford, check out the next episode in the 10-part series:  Avoid Emotional Landmines

or more resources on building a strong business and succession planning, visit And leverage our Succession Readiness Survey. A 7-minute investment in time will put you in an informed position of opportunities many business owners overlook impacting business value, growth, lifestyle, and ultimately achieving your vision.