Key Takeaways:

We can have a fresh start. Bondage to old, seemingly unbreakable patterns can be broken and replaced. We can live in the grace and freedom of Christ.The problems is not the original covenant or God Himself. The problem is the people. The people are at fault.The New Covenant is wholly of God’s grace; no sinner can become a part of this New Covenant without faith in Jesus Christ.Grace and faith go together just as the Law and works go together (Rom. 11:6). The Law says, “The one who does them shall live by them.” (Gal. 3:12). But grace says, “The work is done—believe and live!”With the New Covenant, believers have these four provisions: (1) God’s law written on our hearts and minds (meaning an inner inclination to obedience), (2) better relationship with God, (3) knowledge of God, and (4) forgiveness of sins.

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