In this short section of verses, the writer explains what it means to be a high priest. In this paragraph, two prerequisites are given for the priesthood: (1) he must participate in human feelings and weaknesses (vv. 1-3) and (2) he must be divinely appointed (vv. 4-6).  The second requirement, given in verse four, looks back to Exodus 28:1 and 1 Chronicles 23:13.  Several attempted to take this office upon themselves and were severely judged for it:  Korah (Num. 16), Saul (1 Sam. 13) and Uzziah (2 Chron. 26).

Key Takeaways:

A high priest must be human and be divinely appointed.Christ has supreme qualifications to serve as high priest. The work of Christ in 4:14–16 involved providing grace and mercy to struggling sinners. This was the work of a high priest.God called the high priest to offer sacrifices for sinful human beings

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