Faith enables us to turn from the approval of the world and seek only the approval of God. If God is glorified by delivering His people, He will do it. If He sees fit to be glorified by not delivering His people, then He will do that. But we must never conclude that the absence of deliverance means a lack of faith on the part of God’s children.

Faith looks to the future, for that is where the greatest rewards are found. The people named in this chapter (and those unnamed) did not receive “the promises” (what was promised, Heb. 11:13) but they had God’s witness to their faith that one day they would be rewarded. God’s purpose involves Old Testament saints as well as New Testament saints! One day all of us shall share that heavenly city that true saints look for by faith.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:6). But this kind of faith grows as we listen to His Word (Rom. 10:17) and fellowship in worship and prayer. Faith is possible to all kinds of believers in all kinds of situations. It is not a luxury for a few “elite saints.” It is a necessity for all of God’s people.


Trust God because of His faithfulness and reliability.Believe in God’s promises, and trust in His character.The Old Testament saints were not perfect and neither are we, but they lived by faith to glorify and honor GodDo not enjoy life on earth so much that you lose sight of your heavenly destination.Be willing to face threats, persecutions, and even death as you believe God’s promises.Do not focus on the problems and issues before you. Turn your eyes to GodTrust God for the victory. Know that the victory or the promises may not occur in your lifetime

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Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeodLink: