We must remember that what we do with material things is an evidence of how we value spiritual things. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21)There is a much wider application of the principle to our lives; because all that we do is either an investment in the flesh or the Spirit.The seed that is planted does not bear fruit immediately. There are seasons to the soul just as there are seasons to nature, and we must give the seed time to take root and bear fruit.Be patient, work for the Lord in faith, with the right spiritual motivation, and keep the patience of hope.We are to “do good to everyone.” This is how we let our light shine and glorify our Father in heaven. It is not only by words that we witness to the lost, but also by our works. Honestly, our works may pave the way for our verbal witness; they can win us the ability to share the gospel

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Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeodLink: