The previous show finished our reading plan from the “Unshakeable” series from Northeast Bible Church. Now, we embark on a new devotional journey. Over the next few weeks, we will look at the book of Colossians. This will still take the form of a devotional with study and application. These devotional podcasts will focus on what the text is saying and how it can be applied to our current lives. Don’t forget, some texts may have multiple applications. Our current moods and situations may cause us to focus on one more than the other or the Spirit may point something out that we need to hear.

These episodes are definitely not meant to be detailed studies on Colossians like you would find in commentaries. You probably won’t find synthetic charts, outlines, deep expositions or detailed discussion on some of the controversial passages (there are many great resources out there for this). But what we will do, is read God’s Word, review the background or context, and look for applications.

However, in this first series episode, I would like to provide some general information to get us on the same page regarding Colossians. Today, our text will be shorter so we can review the author, purpose, background, time frame, and introductory statements.

We start our study by getting an overview of Colossians, including the place, the time, the author, and the setting, as these will help us better understand the text. Knowing more about the context is helpful in going deeper into the text to understand more about what the author is saying and what the ultimate Author is saying. Thinking through these things will help us in our application of the text and its principles.

Key Takeaways:

Believers are set apart because they belong to GodThe ultimate source of favor and wholeness is found only in GodWe are saved not because of our merit or power, but truly by the will of God

For more information about this show, includes additional notes and details, please visit the show page here or visit our home page at


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