Learning with our children should be fun, but in reality that is not always the case.  Today we are having a fun conversation about learning with games!  You will leave this episode excited to play games with your children and see results in your home that will last a lifetime.  And don't miss the game giveaway we're doing on Instagram this week!

I have an expert on this topic who has invested countless hours into researching high quality games for her children, playing them over many lunches together, and seeing the results of the learning that took place while relationships were strengthened and everyone was having fun.

Carrie De Francisco is a retired homeschool mom of 2 children who are 22 and 18 years old.  She is the author of "Just Breathe (and Take a Sip of Coffee): Homeschool in Step with God". She is also the host of the  Coffee With Carrie Podcast where she shares homeschool wisdom for moms who have been called to this homeschooling adventure.   She also has an excellent Instagram account with so much advice for all parents about ways you can have fun while teaching your children and helpful hints to help your children with learning whether you homeschool or are in a classroom setting. 

Follow Carrie on Instagram @coffeewithcarrieconsultant

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seek wholly living, christa svoboda, mom, wife, christian mom, christian wife, homeschool mom, christian parenting, learning through games, children,learning,learning games,kids games,best children learning,learning through play,kids learning,games for kids,preschool learning,children learn