I recently had a conversation with Erik Hersman, an African instigator, entrepreneur and innovator whose work is widely recognized among the technology, development and humanitarian communities. And, I’m inviting you to join in.

For those of you who don’t know Erik, he co-founded the heroic open source project called Ushahidi (which means "testimony" in Swahili), a crowdsourcing site which launched in 2007. Ushahidi was instrumental in mapping the violent attacks that were taking place during the Kenyan crisis. In 2008 Erik was named a Pop!Tech Social Innovation Fellow and has become a Senior TED Fellow.

The backdrop to our conversation for the show is Erik’s latest project: BRCK – a 'portable, rugged, on ramp to the internet for the many who as yet aren’t connected.


Full show notes available at: Instigating.co/4

Episode 4

Released November 9, 2015

Edited by Moondogmarketing.com