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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a staple of our daily lives, from Siri to Google Assistant which can control our phones, computers and even homes.

The world of media has explored the advancement and potential dangers of rapidly advancing AI for decades, films such as Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey have touched on the themes of what happens when AI grows beyond human control.

But how much does this affect our perception of AI and its involvement in our daily lives?

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Using data from Google Search Trends and Linkfluence, new research from Ebuyer has revealed that globally almost 3 million people had searched negative themes around AI online.

The research discovered that the biggest search queries included "Can artificial intelligence be dangerous?" and "Will artificial intelligence take over the world?"

The countries most interested in Artificial Intelligence

The USA came out on top with 12 million conversations reported around AI over the year.

Topics around AI in these conversations included 130,000 conversations around natural language processing and 127,000 conversations around machine learning.

During the US presidential elections, AI was a big topic of conversation with Donald Trump spiking 230,000 conversations.

India and the UK came second and third with 2.36 million ad 1.27 million conversations generated around AI.

However, both these countries had a more positive attitude towards AI than the USA with the UK sparking 14 per cent positive conversations.