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During the past couple of days, Gazan factions launched rocket attacks towards Israel in response to the latter’s crackdown on Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

More than 80 Palestinians have been killed as Israel responded with heavy airstrikes. Hundreds others were injured in each of Gaza and Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, in addition to ongoing acts of violence committed by both Israeli settlers and forces against the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, Israel plans to evict several Palestinians families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem.

Below are a number of basic facts about the crisis that has taken the attention of the whole world.

How did Israeli crackdown on Palestinian protesters in East Jerusalem begin?

Israel wants to evict almost 40 Palestinians families from their homes in East Jerusalem.

Since early April, the Palestinians have been protesting against Israel’s willingness to capture their houses that both their predecessors and themselves have been living in for long decades.

The Palestinians also resorted to contentious politics due to the fact that they faced violence: Israeli security forces and settlers regularly attack them. Many Knesset members, extreme-right wing groups and settlers have adopted an aggressive, anti-Palestinian discourse.

Slogans such as “Go Back to Jordan '' or “Death to Arabs” have been continuously heard by the people of Sheikh Jarrah during the past month.

During Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting, Israel took some provocative measures that catalysed the growth of Palestinan anger.

Although removing it a few weeks later, Israel put barriers outside Damascus Gate to prevent Palestinians from entering Jerusalem’s Old City. As a tradition, thousands of Palestinians normally gather in this area after night-time prayers.

Worshippers were also prevented from entering Al-Aqsa mosque compound, a holy site for Muslims.