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One of the new trends in business that I am truly excited about is the consumer-to-manufacturing

business models: C2M. This is coming out of China. Hence I make a video about it.

If we look at traditional business models, typically M2C: Manufacturing-to-consumers

with the brand in between. What a brand did, still today, is they created these new products,

these new designs, think about BMW, Apple, think about Gucci. Think about any brand you

can think of...they sourced these products in factories - more and more in China - they

put it in the store and the consumer bought it. Typical traditional way of doing business.

But later on, what you saw in the past decade is that this became much more customer-centric.

This was more about the consumer and the customer, and try to understand what they wanted, what

the trends were - alive in social media. A company that was very successful with this

was Zara from Inditex. They created these designs based on all the designs available

in the world and what customers loved. But then they still went into the same sourcing

model - usually in China - and then put it in the store. They put the customer first.

But besides that, there is not a lot of change. Other companies like H&M, Uniqlo,...they all

went into that same direction. Then later on, maybe 5 years ago, you saw more direct-to-consumer

model. It's the same model as the one that is customer centric; but the only difference

there is no physical retail. It's online sold direct to the consumer. You see a lot of companies

like Nova Fashion; but even Amazon, you could call that with their private labels doing

that by allowing brands or people to make their own brands with this model. The direct-to-consumer

was very popular - still is today - specifically in fashion. But now I believe there is a new

model coming up, which is called consumer-to-manufacturing. This is coming out of China. The big difference

is that they are putting the consumer and designers on the same level. That is now possible

with social media; if you think about Instagram, you think about YouTube, you think about TikTok.

You think about all these platforms where people can express themselves. They are not

at a different level anymore. It's not these designers from Gucci or Chanel that are deciding

what the market wants. it's also not the consumer, like with Zara, that is telling through market

research what the trends are. No. Now, they are telling it online every single day. The

cool thing about C2M - this new idea - is that this is combined with the platforms and

the factories. What it means, is that in China, more and more of the e-commerce players are

connecting the consumer and the designers directly with the factories. So that they

can produce these new trends instantly. And then they are monitoring what the market wants

in order to do it faster, better, cheaper,... I am going to explain a little bit about this