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The resurgence of cryptocurrencies to the top of the news agenda has been one of the defining trends in fintech of the past six months.

This, of course, has been driven in part by the rise in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The profits crypto investors have seen recently has piqued the interest of others looking to get into trading, and this is driving momentum for crypto awareness as a whole.

But it isn’t only crypto’s worth as an asset that is generating headlines. For years we’ve been waiting to see when digital currencies would reach their full potential as a payment method as well as a store of value. And, despite the continued wild fluctuations in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies throughout 2021, there are signs that this may be the year we see progress.

For example, El Salvador has recently passed legislation establishing Bitcoin as legal tender, which is a first for the industry. More nations in Latin America are also indicating interest and will potentially follow suit.