See Something Say Something is officially back, but we need your help! We’ve shifted to an independent, crowdfunding model; bear with us as we spend a few minutes discussing our new Patreon and how your donations will help us make the show. A big thank you to the all the Patrons who’ve already donated and help us keep the show going. But also: remember, we’re committed to providing this space for free and it is totally okay if you can’t support. After that, join us as Ahmed and Salimah discuss how they’re preparing for Ramadan this year.


Donate to the Patreon to help support the show:

$10 donors get access to the show’s Discord chat server.

Fill out this survey so we can get some advertising revenue:

Follow Ahmed @radbrowndads.

Follow Salimah (on Instagram) @salimahfm.

Follow the show @seesomething and Email Ahmed at [email protected].

Our music is by The Kominas, follow them at @TheRealKominas and