See & Free Studio Episode 15 with Jim Motroni, who is a hero in the origin story of See & Free Studio

Jim Motroni, a reformed banker turned business sensei, tells us how he found his USD many years ago when he was “climbing the ladder of success only to find it was leaning against the wrong wall”. Now as an Executive Coach & Business Consultant, Jim reminds us to commit to our humanity - showing us how to hold onto our connections despite the many circumstances that could tear us apart. His USD is to get people to work together in conditions that don’t support it. When you meet Jim, know that he's on a mission to answer: Where’s the connective tissue? Where are we thwarted from making our full contribution? Where are people disconnected from their ideals and to each other - feeling they can't make happen what they want to make happen? Come learn about Jim, Conversant, and the non profit The Egbe Revitalization Project.

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