See & Free Studio, Season 2 Episode 7 with fantastic human Candi Clark whose mission in life is to bring joy to everyone she meets

On her web site, she says "I've never met a stranger" and that is the truth! People come from all of the World to be photographed by Candi, who just happens to be an on location photographer in one of the most trafficked tourist destinations in the World, Orlando FL. Why is she so special? Her USD: She genuinely loves people and loves to make them smile. She wants everyone around her to feel happy, beautiful, accepted and included and she offers the safe space to do just that. What makes her smile? The kids in her life. Candi knows that our children will make the World a better place and hopes other parents see the same in their kids - finding happiness in the little every day moments that often go overlooked. She also wants all of us to seek out our humanity and empathy for our community, which is one reason she is avid supporter of the One Pulse Foundation, raising awareness and funds for those impacted by the murders that occurred at the Pulse Nightclub. Her wish is that we all embrace that Love is Love, that we feel comfortable being ourselves and we feel good. Come learn about Candi and how she is bringing smiles to everyone who meets her.