Episode 5 of the monthly "Deciphering Today's Cyber Headlines with Mitch Mayne, Paul Ferrillo and Chris Veltsos" series.

Summer is meant to be a time for blockbuster movies and TV spectaculars, but were hackers the big winner of the 2017 season? In this podcast, Paul and Chris discuss the media hacks of the past few months, emphasizing the role played by third-party vendors.

To learn more about how identity and access management solutions can help protect your sensitive data, read the IBM white paper: https://ibm.co/2wWPyiZ.

And for more great insights from Paul and Chris, listen to the complete "Take Back Control of Your Cybersecurity Now" podcast series [bit.ly/2p0OC7G] or download their e-book of the same name [http://amzn.to/2xZv2hS].