What’s the difference between a destructive attack and a traditional breach? “Destructive malware is malicious software that has the capability to render an effective system inoperable and also challenges reconstitution,” explains Charles DeBeck, a senior cyber threat intelligence researcher at IBM X-Force IRIS.

A kind of attack originally associated with nation-states, new research suggests an expanding trend in who is employing destructive attacks, and where. Wendi Whitmore, director of the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence team, says, “The average cost of one of these attacks — a destructive incident versus a traditional breach — is actually 61 times higher.”

DeBeck and Whitmore join our hosts for a conversation about the evolution of destructive attacks, how organizations can defend against them, and how to best prepare for remediation.

For a further look at trends in destructive attacks, visit SecurityIntelligence.com: https://ibm.co/2OFUHs5