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Resiliency 101: How to bend, not break, when we are challenged

Resilience is a “Hot Topic” right now. For several years many advocates have been talking about its many benefits, including the Army!

Many define it as being able to adapt or recover quickly when life takes a turn for the worse.

By harnessing the tools Resiliency training you have a much better chance at bouncing back when facing the curve balls that life tends to throw at us.


There is no magic want that will remove pain, grief, stress, anxiety, or any of the other physical or psychological problems we may face, through resiliency training though, you will learn how to recover quicker and stay in a healthier mind state.

In order for us to become more resilient, we must strive to work on the following areas

RELATIONSHIPS: Develop strong and healthy relationships within your daily life. This will be the network that you will depend on when things get rough. This doesn’t have to just be immediate family and friends. Your support network can be your Church group or Community support group.

Goal setting and finding your purpose: It’s easier to deal with the bad and the negative when you know that you are engaged with accomplishing your goals and purpose. Finding your purpose and identifying your “Why” is a big factor in resiliency.

JOURNAL: Maintaining a journal allows you to reflect on the good, and keep track of the positives in your life. In times of stress and hardship it allows us to reflect back on how we have overcome greater problems. It can also provide valuable insight on how we can recover from similar problems.

SELF CARE: Get Intune with your feelings. Understand who you are and what you need emotionally. Take care of yourself physically as well. When you feel good about your physical and emotional wellbeing things don’t weigh us down as much. Maintain a healthy diet, practice good sleep hygiene, and stay physically fit.

STOP PROCRASTINATING: Face all tasks head on, and create order in chaos in order to stay on top of your daily tasks. Stay proactive, not reactive and know that no matter what the challenge or task is, it can be accomplished.


Developing resiliency in your daily life will take time and much like exercising your biceps will inevitably result in awesome beach muscles. Practicing these steps will make you a master at it! 

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