TOMMY WALLER, Director of Infrastructure Security, Center for Security Policy, Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps Reserves, Secure the Grid Coalition, Twitter: @Secure_the_Grid

Tommy Waller delves into the actual magnitude of the recent SolarWinds hack

Waller: the recent attack was meant to target our supply chains and the federal government's new cloud architecture

Instead of trying to access our electric grid networks via hacking, China has bypassed our "Maginot Line" by exporting around 300 electrical transformers with possible backdoor capabilities to the US

ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, "Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?," Twitter: @jihadwatchRS

A former CIA official, Robert Grenier, recently argued that the government needs to "hunt down" the individuals behind the Capitol 6th riot the same way the US targeted Al Qaeda and ISIS

Robert Spencer: If Biden wants to go after the "right wingers," he will crack down on dissent throughout the country, possibly outlawing it

Spencer finds that France is "a little further down the road" than the US when it comes to dealing with Islamists in their own country

JEFF NYQUIST, Writer, Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times, Author, “Origins of the Fourth World War and The New Tactics of Global War,”, and Twitter: @JRNyquist

"The Road to Civil War: A Spanish Analogy" and how the patterns of violence in 1930s Spain almost mirror those of Antifa/BLM in the US today

In the lead up to the 1933 Spanish election, those on the Left argued that should the Right take power, the country would change the rules, ensuring that the conservatives would never rise to power again

Jeff Nyquist: As the past 6 months have shown, the Left in America will take to the streets on the slightest pretext

KEVIN FREEMAN, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Host, Economic War Room on TheBlaze TV, Author, “Game Plan” and “Secret Weapon," Twitter: @SecretWeaponUSA

A new COVID stimulus bill making its way through Congress may further exacerbate the US's ever-growing deficit

Forces both within and outside of the US are working to undermine the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world - China developed a new crypto currency

 Will President Trump use his impending impeachment trial as an opportunity to present his case for fraud in the 2020 election? 


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