TOMMY WALLER, President and CEO, Center for Security Policy

MICHAEL MABEE, U.S. Army Retired, Author, The Civil Defense Book

How Waller and Mabee became interested in protecting the U.S. electric grid
The impact of Winter Storm Uri on the Texas electric grid
Issues with the federal government's electric utility standards
The importance of federal regulation on the United States' critical infrastructure

TYLER O’NEIL, Managing Editor, The Daily Signal

How is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) able to influence media companies in the U.S.?
How the SPLC "manufactures hate"

JONATHAN TOBIN, Editor-in-Chief,, Senior Contributor, The Federalist

Why does the Biden administration want Israel to stop fighting Hamas?
Has Hezbollah fully "joined" the Israel-Hamas war?
Are U.S. troops going to end up in Gaza?