SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis

Sam Faddis: "It [The U.S. Armed Forces] only works if the men and women who are putting their lives on the line believe not just the cause but in their leaders” - The gap between “uniformed bureaucrats” in Washington and active duty soldiers deployed across the world is widening

Faddis: Gen. Mckenzie asserted that the War on Terror is not over - He’s right

Faddis talks about Lt. Col. Schelle's uncertain future

ROBERT CHARLES, Spokesman, Association of Mature American Citizens, Former Assistant Secretary, State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author, "Eagles and Evergreens," @RCharles4USA

How many Americans are really currently inside Afghanistan?

Frank Gaffney and Robert Charles delve into the litany of examples for President Joe Biden’s apparent “wrecking operation” against the United States of America

What is the current state of the U.S. Armed Forces?

BILL WALTON, Chairman, Resolute Protector Foundation, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow

Bill Walton talks about John Thornton’s, China-US Financial Roundtable Co-Chair and former Co-President of Goldman Sachs, 6-week trip to China

Talking your portfolio: Trying to stir the market to further your economic interests - Black Rock, Goldman Sachs, etc. are doing this now in regards to China

Why are America’s leading CEOs and entrepreneurs “making cause with Ibram X Kendi?”

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