PAUL BOARDMAN, Chairman, Decouple China Political Action Committee: 

In 2020 the US had a $310 billion trade deficit with China

Paul Boardman does not buy the argument that the US is not capable of reenergizing its manufacturing sector, as seen by mass mobilization following COVID-19

Mainstreet America gets it - China is committing genocide

H.R. 8491 is the first step in recognizing the Chinese Communist Party as a transnational criminal organization

GEN. (RET.) WILLIAM G. BOYKIN, Executive Vice President, Family Research Council, original Member, U.S. Army's Delta Force, @GenBoykin

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin: Donald Trump did to the military what Ronald Reagan did after succeeding Jimmy Carter; creating War Fighters

Individuals belonging to extremist groups have always been banned from the military – President Biden's purges are a completely different story 

Lt. Gen. Boykin explains who is really in control in Iran

PETE HOEKSTRA, former Congressman (1993-2011), Michigan's 2nd Congressional District, former US Ambassador to the Netherlands (2017-2021), Fellow, Center for Security Policy:

Elements within the Obama administration were tasked with monitoring the Trump campaign and transition team

Pete Hoekstra argues that law enforcement crossed a line when they used information gathered by the US intelligence community to pursue American citizens

Chairman of the US Intel Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, would agree with CIA Director John Brennan's assessment that the federal government needs a "laser-like" focus to deal with supposed domestic threats

COL (RET) JOHN MILLS, Former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense:

Col. John Mills: Will the real Biden China policy please stand up?

What are China's military capabilities, and should the US be concerned about the People's Liberation Army's growing amphibious applications?

China's "Operational Preparation for the Environment" - a dress rehearsal for conflict against the US

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