KYLE SHIDELER, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy, Author, "Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat," @ShidelerK

Kyle Shideler: 66% of Americans want an investigation into the 2020 Summer riots - But some politicians, like  Nancy Pelosi, are seemingly not interested in getting to the bottom of things

Shideler talks about the “very deliberate” attempts on the part of Speaker Pelosi and others to compare the events of Jan 6th to the riots of Summer 2020

Shideler: Why am I more concerned about left wing, as opposed to right wing, extremism?

BILL WALTON, Chairman, Resolute Protector Foundation, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow

Bill Walton delves into Jamie “Life in the Fast Lane” Diamond’s recent exclusive interview with Maria Bartiromo

Will Jerome Powell continue to serve as the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve - Who else could best implement Modern Monetary Theory?

Walton: The powers that be at the CDC think that they are doing something noble protecting the little guy from getting evicted. In fact, it portrays just more stupidity on the part of these people running the agency - About 75% of small rental units are owned by small business owners

SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis

Sam Faddis: Landlords are being told by an unelected bureaucrat that they no longer are in control of their property

Faddis: Most of the western nations decided decades ago that biological warfare would be prohibited - No matter what the Chinese have said, they reject this entire notion

Faddis: We do not know for certain whether Rep. Eric Swalwell is still a reporting source to Chinese intelligence


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