JESSICA ANDERSON, Executive Director, Heritage Action for America, former Associate Director, Intergovernmental Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, Office of Management and Budget, @JessAnderson2

Jessica Anderson: H.R 1 is Nancy Pelosi's number one priority

Everything that happened at the state level in the lead up to the 2020 election, i.e. mass absentee ballot registrations, will happen again on the federal level if H.R 1 becomes law

Anderson: There are 21 "vulnerable" House Democrats who need to hear from their concerned constituents

Sen. Mitch McConnell has made blocking H.R 1 his number one priority

SECRETARY MIKE POMPEO, 70th US Secretary of State, former Director, Central Intelligence Agency, former Representative, Kansas's 4th Congressional District, Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute, @mikepompeo

Sec. Mike Pompeo: The Chinese Communist Party has a long history of underinvesting in biosecurity

Sec. Pompeo argues that the world needs to hold China and international health authorities accountable for the coronavirus pandemic. If not, something similar will happen again in the future

The Chinese Communist Party has always viewed international agreements as: you do it and we'll see if it's convenient for us to do the same

GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Daily Beast, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes the World, "Losing South Korea," and "The Great US-China Tech War," @Gordongchang

Per the Chinese Communist Party's civil-military fusion doctrine, any Chinese company can be forced to contribute to the state's dubious goals

In 2020, the People's Republic of China became Europe's largest trading partner for merchandise goods

Gordon Chang: "Biden campaigned on the notion that we need to work with our allies. Our allies don't seem to be wanting to work with us - least those in Europe"

SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, "Beyond Repair: Rise and Fall of the CIA," @RealSamFaddis

Sam Faddis: Identity politics is the only thing carrying Biden's pick for Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, through the Senate

Haaland was previously associated with a leftwing group called "Answer," which is a North Korean front group that opposes US foreign policy 

Faddis argues that the Vice President of the Communist Party USA's longtime relationship with Deb Halaand is cause for concern

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