JEFF GOTTESFELD, Award-winning Writer, American Library Association, Association of Jewish Libraries and Writer's Guild of America, Author, "The A-List," and "Twenty-One Steps: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier," @jeffgottesfeld

Jeff Gottesfeld: In that unknown solider is someone who belongs to all of us

How do America's youth think of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider?

FRANCES MARTEL, International News Editor, Breitbart News, @francesmartel

Wuhan Lab Leak Proof Could Lead to Mass Lawsuits Against China

Where did COVID-19 originate Vs. What steps did China not take to contain the virus in Winter/Spring 2020

Communist, Conservative Peruvian Presidential Contenders Tied a Week Away from Election

Hong Kong, Facing Low Coronavirus Vaccination Rates, Plans Social Punishments

SAM FADDIS, former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, former Congressional Candidate, Editor,, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis

The Real Commissar – The Thought Police Are Real And They’re Here

Sam Faddis: There are "profound" compromises within the Biden-Harris administration

Joe Gave China The South China Sea – Will He Give Them The Moon?

Pennsylvanians Have Been Betrayed Again – Republican Leadership Pushing To Extend 95% Of Wolf’s Emergency Powers

LANCE CRAYON, former Senior News Editor, Global Times (US edition), former Video Journalist, China Radio International, former Senior Editor, People's Daily English News app

Chinese influence in Hollywood

Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping increased foreign film quotas in China following a meeting with then Vice President Joe Biden in 2012

Lance Crayon: U.S. studios are answering to China

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