JEANNE MANCINI, President, March for Life Education and Defense Fund, formally Family Research Council and Office of the Secretary at the US Department of Health and Human Services, Twitter: @jeannemfl

Jeanne Mancini: Xavier Becerra is an "abortion zealot" 

Both Kamala Harris and Becerra have a long history of attacking organizations, such as the Center for Medical Progress, for exposing Planned Parenthood's organ trafficking scandal

During his time in California's Attorney General's office, Becerra sued the federal government, allowing California's healthcare plan to include abortions  

CHARLES JACOBS, President, Americans for Peace and Tolerance, Board Member, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Twitter: @DrCharlesJacobs

Charles Jacobs elaborates on a civil war within the American Jewish Community between the traditionalists and the radical left

Jacobs argues that organizations like the Jewish Community Relations Council, J Street and the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society have been taken over by the Left

DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander:

David Wurmser: The Biden administration is validating certain beliefs that should never be validated

Wurmser argues that movements like Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) are anti-Semitic because they question the entire existence of Israel

The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) funded schools that were used to support Hamas's war against Israel. Maher Bitar, a senior National Security Council official, previously worked for UNRRA

SUSAN KATZ KEATING, Chief National Security Correspondent,, Security and Terrorism Correspondent, American Media Institute, Military Correspondent, People Magazine, @SKatzKeating

Susan Keating reports how veterans are universally concerned about how they are being casted as extremists

Political rhetoric is driving veterans closer into their ranks

Jessica Watkins, a transgender woman charged with allegedly participating in the Jan. 6th breach of the US capitol, was supposedly left naked in her cell for four days after undergoing a hunger strike

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