DR. BRADLEY THAYER, Director of CSP’s China Policy program

What is the point of bilateral meetings between the U.S. and China?
What are “American secessionists”?
China’s reliance on the U.S. for economic strength
Does the U.S. have a military relationship with China?

JAMES HIRSEN, Author, Tales from the Left Coast

The importance of leverage in Congress
Ongoing budget negotiations within Congress
What is an omnibus bill?
Comparing Speaker Mike Johnson with Kevin McCarthy

TODD BENSMAN, Senior National Security Fellow, Center for Immigration Studies, former Department of Homeland Security official, Author, Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History,  America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration, @BensmanTodd

What is “Attachment A”?
What was the Holy Land Foundation?
Hamas “sleeper cells” residing in the United States

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