BILL WALTON, Managing Partner, Rappahannock Ventures, Chairman, Rush River Entertainment, former Leader, Donald Trump Transition Team, Host, The Bill Walton Show, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth, Poverty and Morality, @billwaltonshow

Bill Walton argues that the Biden administration wants the Quad, whose member states include the US, India, Austria and Japan, to focus on climate change and a couple of small trade disputes

Walton: China is ruled by engineers, the US is ruled by lawyers – engineers use long term thinking

KYLE SHIDELER, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy, Author, "Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat," @ShidelerK

Part 1: 

Kyle Shideler: Antifa, and its associates, never stopped rioting following the election

Why is the media not reporting on an uptick in violence in places like Portland?

Mike Waller's eyewitness accounting: No, Sen. Ron Johnson Didn’t Promote A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ About The Capitol Riot

Part 2: 

In the wake of Texas's ice storms, "mutual aid" groups, some of which were closely associated for prominent Marxist organization, popped up throughout the state 

Shideler: Throughout the years, we have been actively disinformed about looming national security threats posed by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood

JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Analyst, Defense Policy at the Center for Security Policy, former Senior Analyst, Counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism, former Senior Managing Editor, The Bulletin, @JohnRossomando

John Rossomando: There is a wholesale effort within the military to purge its ranks of anyone who does not abide by the Biden administration’s social engineering agenda

China now has the largest navy and continues to operate within Taiwanese airspace

Rossomando: The military is, "not about satisfying a social agenda"


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