This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

For years, we have been told that the United States is the world’s only superpower.  Evidently, the dictators of Russia and China didn’t get the memo. 

Increasingly, these hostile nations are fielding nuclear arsenals that grievously threaten our country and its people. Of particular concern is the progress the Russians and Chinese have made in hypersonic and maneuvering weapons designed to defeat our fairly rudimentary anti-missile systems. 

Incredibly, the Obama-Clinton administration actually facilitated the transfer of such technologies to Russia, while China may have stolen them. U.S. Strategic Command’s General John Hyten says we currently have “no defense” against these threats.

But we could quickly deploy one, thanks to a breakthrough predictive algorithm, capable of making even modest anti-missile missiles effective against hypersonic and maneuvering ones – thus helping to deter and, if necessary, defeat a Russian or Chinese attack.

Will we do so?

This is Frank Gaffney.