This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

As Chinese president Xi Jinping completes his consolidation of power domestically and pursues with increasing brazenness the domination of half the world – on a scale that makes Imperial Japan’s “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” pale by comparison, there’s an urgent need for clarity about the threat posed to freedom by Communist China.

The retired Catholic Cardinal of Hong Kong Joseph Zen has just helpfully provided a reality check in the form of an assessment of the truth about the proverbial “canaries in the coal mine” – China’s ever-more-repressed Christians. 

Cardinal Zen warned “The truth doesn’t enjoy good health or high esteem nowadays in China. Everything is fake, from food to medicine. You are not expected to tell the truth, just say what the boss wants to hear.”

Here’s the truth: Communist China is persecuting its own people and is at war with ours. 

This is Frank Gaffney.