This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

“Heart of Nuba” is a critically acclaimed film documenting in microcosm the horrific – but largely unremarked – outrage of our time: the brutal persecution of an estimated 215 million Christians around the world.

The film reveals the plight of the people of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan and American Dr. Tom Catena who has, for over a decade, been heroically caring for these latest victims of genocidal attacks by the Sharia-supremacist Sudanese government of Omar al-Bashir.

There’s a screening of Heart of Nuba in Washington, D.C. tonight. It would be good if former House Speaker John Boehner would attend. He’s been paid handsomely to lobby on behalf of Sudan’s pariah dictator and indicted war criminal. The film’s director, Ken Carlson, will be taking questions. I am sure his audience would have a few as well for Bashir’s enabler, the erstwhile Speaker Boehner.

This is Frank Gaffney.