This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Admiral Philip Davidson, who’s been nominated to lead U.S. forces in the Pacific, warned Congress this week that – short of war – the Chinese are now capable of controlling the strategic South China Sea. He added that there is “no guarantee” the United States would win such a war if it occurred.

This ominous reality has been developing for decades, accelerated by the eight-year wrecking operation conducted by Barack Obama against the U.S. military, which coincided with and encouraged massive build-ups of Russia’s, as well as China’s, armed forces. And increasingly the stage is set for conflict in the Pacific, and beyond.

This sure would be a good time to have a brilliant West Point graduate as America’s Secretary of State. Fortunately, North Dakota’s Sen. Heidi Heitkamp agrees and became the first Democrat to announce her support for Mike Pompeo’s nomination. Who’s next?

This is Frank Gaffney.