Arjun Sen reflects on 150 Secrets To Win Big® Podcast episodes.
Listen to Arjun answer Top 10 audience questions to celebrate 150 episodes of conversations with leaders from all walks of life from all around the world.

Here are the ten questions that audience members asked Arjun

Why the name Secrets To Win Big?

What is your biggest learning from doing the podcast?

How do you lock-in the purpose?

How do you get clarity of vision?

What is the secret to take ideas to successful implementation every time? 

Who is the best leader you’ve ever worked with and why?

What is one lesson you’ll take forward with you?

What would you do differently?

What are you working on next?

What would a conversation with 16 year-old and 100 year-old Arjun look like?

If you have an additional question, Arjun would love to answer in a subsequent conversation. Please send your question to: [email protected]

Prefer to watch the video version? Watch it here:

Arjun Sen reflects on 150 Secrets To Win Big® Podcast episodes.

Listen to Arjun answer Top 10 audience questions to celebrate 150 episodes of conversations with leaders from all walks of life from all around the world.

Here are the ten questions that audience members asked Arjun

Why the name Secrets To Win Big?
What is your biggest learning from doing the podcast?
How do you lock-in the purpose?
How do you get clarity of vision?
What is the secret to take ideas to successful implementation every time? 
Who is the best leader you’ve ever worked with and why?
What is one lesson you’ll take forward with you?
What would you do differently?
What are you working on next?
What would a conversation with 16 year-old and 100 year-old Arjun look like?

If you have an additional question, Arjun would love to answer in a subsequent conversation. Please send your question to: [email protected]

Prefer to watch the video version? Watch it here: