Scott Zuckerman has 25 years of experience in both B2C and B2B companies and has held executive positions in management, operations, marketing, innovation, concept/product development, consumer research, strategy, and finance.
Currently Scott serves as Chief Executive Officer for Meez Meals and since taking over he has increased sales 5X and expanded Meez’s delivery area from only Chicagoland to coast-to-coast.
Prior to his current role Scott held executive roles at Crisp Market, Outerwall (parent of RedBox), Potbelly Sandwich Works, Quiznos, McDonald’s, and Donato’s.

Here are some key insights from this week’s show:

In the end, the person buying the product matters most.

Build a consumer first foundation, then build a loyal base of customers that care deeply about the brand, and then continue to build on the excitement.

Always solve for the tension/dissatisfaction that exists in the planning or buying process.

At the end, the product and experience is the true reveal.

Instead of offering products for free (to generate trial) consider splitting the risk so that the customer feels ownership of the experience.

Prefer to watch the video version? Watch it here.

Scott Zuckerman has 25 years of experience in both B2C and B2B companies and has held executive positions in management, operations, marketing, innovation, concept/product development, consumer research, strategy, and finance.

Currently Scott serves as Chief Executive Officer for Meez Meals and since taking over he has increased sales 5X and expanded Meez’s delivery area from only Chicagoland to coast-to-coast.

Prior to his current role Scott held executive roles at Crisp Market, Outerwall (parent of RedBox), Potbelly Sandwich Works, Quiznos, McDonald’s, and Donato’s.

Here are some key insights from this week’s show:

In the end, the person buying the product matters most.
Build a consumer first foundation, then build a loyal base of customers that care deeply about the brand, and then continue to build on the excitement.
Always solve for the tension/dissatisfaction that exists in the planning or buying process.
At the end, the product and experience is the true reveal.
Instead of offering products for free (to generate trial) consider splitting the risk so that the customer feels ownership of the experience.

Prefer to watch the video version? Watch it here.