In this episode, you will learn: How David Bosley beat the odds of depression, bipolar, and obesity to becoming a fitness influencer in the UK, also working with helping his son passion for going PRO. David is also a CONNECTOR and loves helping out less fortunate cycling teams with cycling gear and training material.


FB LinkedIn Alex’s My Insta: Photo is myself and son Alex in France last year. The bio will give you a few things you can question me on, you can also ask me about mental health (I’ve suffered depression and bipolar disorder), and gout/ arthritis (which has also impeded my health and training over the years, happy to discuss either or both.  Also happy to discuss diet - I’m largely plant-based primarily for health reasons, though I do currently consume dairy produce.  Also, avoid wheat/ gluten for health reasons.  Oh, and I’ve qualified in DNA testing for Diet/ Fitness, with DNAFit, though I don’t actively promote that now, and in recovery, I’m a very keen user of Compex Electro Muscular Stimulation, as is my son. Aged 35 David was shocked to hear his doctor telling him he was becoming ‘obese’.  He had a self-image that hadn’t changed since his teen years, seeing himself as slim, fit, and strong.  Surely the Doctor was crazy, but over the next few weeks, he began to see that he no longer recognized who he had become, and was certainly not who he’d been imagining he still was.  However, the real epiphany came soon after, when, looking at his five-year-old son David wanted him to be more active, but realized he was setting an extremely poor example. David then changed his lifestyle completely, eliminating alcohol, caffeine, and junk food, joining a gym, and engaging a personal trainer.  It took a couple of years to lose 25 Kg, and get to a very healthy weight and BMI, but by that time David was very fit, as was his son.  They started going to athletics, with Dad initially sitting in the bleachers, then becoming a coach, then a competitor. Aged 42 David won his first County Athletics medal, alongside Alex, who by this time was a strong athlete.  Then inspired by the 2012 Olympics, and in particular the performance of Team GB in cycling, they both began to transition to cycling, only fully switching across in 2015.  In 2016, Alex reached number 12 in the National Rankings, David found that cycling was a lot more competitive than athletics for his age group - whilst he’d been ranked 30th nationally for his age group in athletics, he was nowhere near this in cycling, however, both father and son were hooked for life! Now aged 50, David is still getting started in competitive cycling, hoping to get a promotion to Cat 3 this year, whilst Alex has competed at the top international level and is hopefully en route to a pro career.  Along the way, out of interest and to better support his son, David has acquired qualifications as a Cycle Coach, Personal Trainer, and Athletics coach, as well as becoming Track Certified for Indoor Velodrome racing, which he also dabbled in, rather than getting bored watching Alex! Apart from his own cycling/ training, and supporting his son, in his spare time David has supported the Flames Cycling team, in Freetown, Sierra Leone, helping them gain sponsorship and training. Recently David decided to transition into the fitness industry full time, acquiring a franchise of Be Military Fit, Europe’s premier outdoor fitness operator, to share his passion for health, fitness, and functional outdoor exercise. 

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